Hi, welcome to my media coursework blog. My name is Audrey King Lassman (0397) and I am working in Group 3 with Chrystal Li (0470), Brandon Poonwasie (0660) and Juliette Wileman (0875). You can navigate my blog by clicking on the labels at the right hand side.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog!
Here is the link to Group 3's Facebook group, where we discuss and plan things for the project:

Our music video

Our Website

Our Digipak Cover

Our Digipak Cover

Sunday 14 December 2014

Record label logo

In one of our earliest production meetings we decided that our record label would be called Husky Records. For our website and digipak, we needed to create the Husky Records logo.

Because of the name "Husky", we thought it would make sense to have a husky dog on our logo. The image would then obviously represent the brand name and it would be more memorable for that reason.

Juliette created these options:
I liked both, but as a group we chose the logo on the right. The text on this one is bigger and so easier to read, making the actual name of the label more noticeable. Also, on websites and album covers, the record label logo is usually very small - on the other logo the text might be to small to be visible.

To follow conventions, we put the record label logo on the back of the digipak as part of the institutional information and at the bottom of the website on every page:
On the back of the album cover
On the website - this is at the bottom of every page and is designed to link to the Husky Records website

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