Hi, welcome to my media coursework blog. My name is Audrey King Lassman (0397) and I am working in Group 3 with Chrystal Li (0470), Brandon Poonwasie (0660) and Juliette Wileman (0875). You can navigate my blog by clicking on the labels at the right hand side.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog!
Here is the link to Group 3's Facebook group, where we discuss and plan things for the project:

Our music video

Our Website

Our Digipak Cover

Our Digipak Cover

Monday 15 December 2014

Website - About page and band profiles

On our website we decided we wanted an About page, with information about the band - such as how and when they were formed - with links to profile pages for each individual band member.

We had to create names for the band members, too, and decided that Jacob would be Eli Minate, Chrystal would be Lumi Lee-Patrick, I would be Geo Coleman and Brandon would be Brendan Smith. Names like "Lumi" and "Geo" are more interesting and unique than most names so would be more memorable, but surnames like "Lee-Patrick" provide a contrast and make them seem less strange.
Our about page has photos of each band member with their instruments to focus the fact that they make music
The text below explains how and when they were formed, who the members are, and when they signed their record deal - kept brief and to the point because the audience won't read masses of text and want to get information quickly
The individual pages for each band member allow the audience to learn more about them personally. Rather than just listing information, each page has a question-and-answer with the band member's response. We did serious questions like "What do you hope to achieve in the band's future?" (Jacob/Eli's page) so the audience can actually learn about the band's career, and sillier questions such as "If you could have any superpower, which one would you pick?" (Chrystal/Lumi's page) to show that they don't take themselves too seriously and to give the website/band a more lighthearted feel.

These kinds of questions, and the fact that the band members themselves have responded personally, helps to establish a relationship between the artist(s) and the audience. The band members seem more real, so the fans can better connect with them - they feel like they get to know them personally, so being a fan becomes about more than just the music but the artists themselves.
Photograph - his pose constructs his identity as cute/innocent lead
Photograph constructs her identity as cool/fierce bassist
Photograph constructs my identity as fun/slightly girly guitarist
Photograph constructs his identity as fun, joking character
We wanted to create an "About" page because it is a common feature of artist's websites, for example, San Cisco's:

San Cisco: on their menu they have an "About" page link
They provide less information about themselves than we do, but we wanted to give more information so audiences can get to know the band
On the music video page, we also provided a profile for Juliette as the actor in our music video:

We had to name Juliette's character, too, and called her Jess. We wanted to give her a question and answer profile because she plays a prominent role in the music video (as well as in our blooper reel) so it is likely that fans would want to know more about her as well as the band. The questions are less silly than a lot of the questions the band are asked, because this is the band's website so the audience are more likely to care about what it is like to work with them rather than what kind of superpower Jess would want to have, for example. 

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