Hi, welcome to my media coursework blog. My name is Audrey King Lassman (0397) and I am working in Group 3 with Chrystal Li (0470), Brandon Poonwasie (0660) and Juliette Wileman (0875). You can navigate my blog by clicking on the labels at the right hand side.
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Our Digipak Cover

Our Digipak Cover

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Personal Achievement

From the whole A2 prelim experience, I would like to gain a better understanding of how music videos are made. This includes planning and organising the shoot, production and post-production. I want to experience being on a professional shoot so I have an idea of how music video production, and other kinds of production, works.

The prelim is definitely a challenge for me. It involves being in front of the camera, which I am not used to, and to be successful you have to appear confident and relaxed, and this is probably going to be difficult.

So far, I have learned how to lipsynch properly:
 ...and also how to be in front of the camera in general. You have to at least try to pretend that you're confident about what you're doing in order to not look embarrassing, and I've realised it's better if you just try to relax and enjoy it rather than worry about it too much. I also learned a little about editing when we edited our audition videos, for example, how to match up the audio with the visual in a quicker way than just trying to see where it fit.

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