Hi, welcome to my media coursework blog. My name is Audrey King Lassman (0397) and I am working in Group 3 with Chrystal Li (0470), Brandon Poonwasie (0660) and Juliette Wileman (0875). You can navigate my blog by clicking on the labels at the right hand side.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog!
Here is the link to Group 3's Facebook group, where we discuss and plan things for the project:

Our music video

Our Website

Our Digipak Cover

Our Digipak Cover

Friday 21 November 2014


Although the storyboard shows the structure of the video, so we know the order of the shots as they will appear, it doesn't provide us with enough detail to effectively organise our shoot days. This is why, for each shoot day, we had to make a shoot-board/schedule so we know exactly what we are filming and when. This is to help us with time management when filming, so we know exactly how much time we have for setting up, doing make-up and filming each shot, and to make sure we get everything done and don't forget about any shots. 

Here is an example of a shoot-board:

This shoot-board is from Tues 4/11, our first shoot day

The shoot-board includes a description of what each shot is - the shot type (e.g. CU [close-up], ML [mid-long]) and what happens (e.g."pushing cup down" - the girl pushing down the lead's cup as he goes to drink it). Since these descriptions are quite vague we include an image of the shot from our storyboard, so we can visualise exactly what we aim to do. 

The set is also included, and props, so we know what is needed and can set up quickly. The cast and lighting are also mentioned, the time that we plan to film it and the time code (TC) so we know what part of the track we are filming for.

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