Hi, welcome to my media coursework blog. My name is Audrey King Lassman (0397) and I am working in Group 3 with Chrystal Li (0470), Brandon Poonwasie (0660) and Juliette Wileman (0875). You can navigate my blog by clicking on the labels at the right hand side.
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Monday, 11 November 2013

Papadopolous & Sons

Papadopolous & Sons is a British independent and self-distributed comedy-drama feature film, directed by Marcous Markou.

It follows the story of a man called Harry Papadopolous, a Greek-born English millionaire who, after losing everything in a financial crash, moves with his children and more obviously Greek brother to the old fish and chip shop where they used to work. The film is partially about Greek identity, but a more important focus is family, so it can relate to people of all ethnicities and backgrounds. It was inspired by Markou's family and cultural roots.

The film was distributed by Double M Films, a company that Markou set up himself with his brother.
It was initially going to be distributed by Cineworld for one week only in a limited number of cinemas. However, the film did well and was given an extended run, expanding to more venues.

The film was self-promoted by Markou, for example, by tweeting fish and chip shops and handing out leaflets in Greek communities. It was shot in London.

Papadopolous & Sons was supported by a number of film festivals, including Dinard British Film Festival, Palm Springs International Film Festival, Seattle Film Festival and Thessaloniki Film Festival. It was even screened in the European Parliament.

The director, Marcus Markou, studied history at university and went to acting school in his late twenties. After writing two plays, he studied at Met Film School. Papadopolous & Sons is his first feature film.

Stephen Dillane - Harry Papadopolous
Georges Corraface - Uncle Spiros
Frank Dillane - James Papadoplous
Georgia Groome - Katie Papadopolous
Ed Stoppard - Rob
Cosima Shaw - Sophie
Selina Cadell - Mrs Parrington

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